Yosemite Pines

Yosemite Pines
Yosemite Pines Campground
Petting Farm
Petting Farm at Yosemite Pines
The outhouse!
The chicken house
Ella makes a catch
Ella makes a friend
So does Vance!
Quite the crowd!
Ella watching the ducks
Vance walks with the animals
Vance and 'Shadow'
Ella and 'Hectic“
Ella feeding nesting hen
Dusty the Alpaca grabs some grub
Rusty and Daisy
Vance and a nameless Duck
Ella and Freckles - reminds her of 'Bluza'
Are you lookin at me??
Yew, you, U
The barnyard kids
Vance and Mr. George, the animal caretaker
What to say, what to say??
Writing the blog, one grimace at a time!
The Hanging Tree
Hanging Tree of Second Garrote
Info on Groveland
Iron Door Saloon, California's oldest bar
Old Groveland Jailhouse
1895 Jail
Victorian house in Groveland
Rainbow Pool
Rainbow Pool
Getting ready to swim
A refreshing swim
Paddle across the pool
it's cold!
Dive, dive!
Diving Rock
Swimming towards the falls
Almost there!
Close, but not quite
The plunge