The Geek Squad hits Seattle
Thurs-Monday, August 16-20, 2007Seattle, Washington
As a new hire (fresh out of college) with IBM in Boca Raton, Florida back in 1983, me and a couple of other young programmers were given the unlikely task of coordinating software development activities for the new IBM Personal Computer. Working with a small software company located in the Seattle suburbs, for the next 2 ½ years, I shuttled back and forth between Boca and Seattle. I had an apartment in each location, and would typically stay about 2 weeks in each place before commuting in the other direction.
It was a dream assignment for someone just out of school – one week I’m working on my tan on the Florida beach, the next I’m night skiing in the Cascades – and I’m piling up the frequent flyer points. I fit right in with the boots and ski parka culture of the little software company - much more comfortably than the formal suit and tie dress expected of us IBMers. After awhile, figuring ‘when in Rome, do as the Romans do’ I would dress to blend in, keeping a suit handy in my Seattle office to don quickly when warned that some IBM management was expected to be on site that day ;-)

The small software company in question was Microsoft, and yes, I knew Bill Gates long before he was rich. In a stunning case of being just a little too naïve (or stupid) for my own good, I had a semi-standing offer to go to work for Microsoft, which would have made me something like employee number 60 or so. But proud of my IBM job, and also being from an IBM family (my dad and both of my uncles worked for IBM) I never gave the Microsoft offer any serious consideration. Maybe if that little decision had gone differently, I’d own my own baseball team or something today ;-)
BTW, I'm not in this picture - it's just an early one of Bill G and Paul Allen...)
But I can’t complain as things have turned out just fine in the long run. This week I am looking forward to showing Vance around the town that next to San Francisco is probably my favorite. I fell in love with Seattle during my time here – the evergreen trees, the brooding rainy skyline for months on end, the water and the rawness – there was and remains a pioneer edge to Seattle that not even modern day skyscrapers and expressways can erase.

Of course, Seattle is first and foremost a technology town. Denise decides to take a break from the geeky stuff I’ve got planned, so it’s just me and Vance for a day or two. Denise is anxious to catch a glimpse of
Mt Rainier, which I’ve assured her many times looms above the city. However, the weather, in typical Seattle fashion, never really clears up our entire time here, so she’ll have to settle for seeing it up close.

While the downtown skyline in Seattle isn’t one of my favorites, the city itself is located in an area of stunning scenic beauty. Seattle is ringed by mountains that are snow capped for most of the year. Combined with Puget Sound to the west, and Lakes Union and Washington to the north and east respectively, the views can be expansive and breathtaking. Much like San Francisco, Seattle is built on top of a series of high hills (in fact, in an earthmoving project second only to the building of the Panama Canal, Seattle leveled 68 blocks of downtown hills, with the dirt used as fill for what today is the waterfront). Despite the hills, Seattle (also like San Fran) is a great walking town, with historic shops and markets seemingly everywhere.
To describe the beauties of this region, will, on some future occasion, be a very grateful task to the pen of a skillful panegyrist. The serenity of the climate, the innumerable pleasing landscapes, and the abundant fertility that unassisted nature puts forth, require only to be enriched by the industry of man with villages, mansions, cottages, and other buildings, to render it the most lovely country that can be imagined
- George Vancouver (1792)
Space Needle
I don’t remember exactly what got Vance interested in the
Seattle Space Needle, but for the past several weeks he’s been looking forward to visiting it. Built in under a year for the 1962 World’s Fair, the iconic structure for years has provided a focal point to the Seattle skyline. I visited it once during my Seattle stays, and enjoyed the view, although the structure itself was a bit rundown.

Not today. Newly refurbished, the Space Needle is at the center of the ‘
City Center’ district, surrounded by several museums and an amusement park. There is apparently a move underway to remove the carnival rides and open up the space for more greenspace. In any case, it’s a vibrant area, and it was hopping the night Vance and I showed up. The energy in the Space Needle viewing area reminded me of the Empire State Building. The views are great, and the tourists are flocking in. Quite a few younger couples are dressed to the nines – it is date night it appears, and the viewing level is a popular spot, as well as the restaurant suspended below. Both Vance and I enjoyed the views, and it was a great chance for me to catch up on familiar landmarks and point them out. We particularly enjoyed watching a sizable regatta underway on Puget Sound, with a multitude of sailboats weaving their way around buoys and a number of large freighter ships anchored in the Sound.

Right next to the Space Needle was a fantastically shaped building, looking like an exaggerated version of the
Guggenheim Museum in Bilboa, Spain. Covered in a wild series of metalic colors, upon closer inspection, this building turned out to house the Science Fiction Museum and the Experience Music Project. We’ll return to visit both of these museums in several days.
Boeing Plant Tour
I had two big regrets from my time living in Seattle – the first was failing to visit nearby Victoria, BC, and the second was not taking a tour of the Boeing Plant. Plants, I should say, because you can’t turn around in Seattle without bumping into an airport with a Boeing factory next to it. Boeing and Microsoft are the two largest employers in the Seattle area, and the Boeing factory in Everett, just north of Seattle, is touted as one of the largest buildings by volume in the world. So large, in fact, that when the building first opened, they had issues with clouds forming and raining inside!
The next morning, we were literally headed out the door when a quick check of the weather called for a change in plans. It looked like a nice day outside, and the rest of the week called for rain. Figuring we could do factory tours and museums on rainy days, Denise declared
this was the day to go to Mt. Rainer. Despite some initial grumbling from us guys, this clearly made sense. So instead of driving north thru town, we headed south toward the huge mountain, which we still couldn't see, and wouldn’t until well on it’s flanks (which we’ll describe in another post).

The coming of the weekend found Vance and I driving north to Everett. I was a little worried about traffic on I-5 going thru Seattle. Due to seismic reinforcement of a bridge (beefing up critical freeway infrastructure is a big deal on the west coast), I-5 was shutting down several lanes during the day. Newspaper accounts had made the expected traffic jam seem like the coming end of the world. However, used to nightmare rush hours in Atlanta, it just didn’t seem that bad, fortunately. We made it to the Boeing factory without incident (other than the constant rumbling of Vance’s stomach, a usual occurrence!)

Future of Flight Museum and Boeing Plant Tour is about what you expect – first we viewed a movie discussing the history of Boeing planes (as well as other companies they have bought over the years). After this we were loaded up in a bus for a brief trip across the runways to the factory. There we overlooked the area where 747s, 767s and the new 787 Dreamliners are being constructed.
Although a short visit, it was a fascinating look into the mechanics of building such large planes. Wings, portions of the fuselage, and the tails are all assembled separately, then joined together as the planes move down the assembly line. The new line being created for the next generation Dreamliners will be much more automated than the 747 and 767 assembly areas. Boeing also constructed 4 modified freighter jets to bring in completed assemblies from all around the world for the Dreamliner. One of these, the ‘Dreamlifter’, was sitting out in front of the building, looking for all the world like an oversized flying guppy!

I think Vance got a good feel for how modern day assemblies occur, with emphasis on the individual parts being manufactured elsewhere. Boeing’s main task here is the design of the planes, and bolting together all the parts. The mammoth scale of the factory, in which even the giant 747’s were dwarfed, was quite a sight.

Afterwards we visited the ‘Future of Flight Museum', which was mostly about old and new Boeing jets. Vance greatly enjoyed a kiosk setup that allowed you to ‘design your own plane’. In a piece of marketing genius, we could pick up a printed copy of our design in the gift shop. There was even an option to have it printed on a T-shirt. I was all ready to spring for the T-Shirt when we found out the system was broken, and printouts weren’t available. Boeing promised to mail a copy when they got the printer back online, hopefully it will be waiting for us when we get back home. Vance had a nice design ;-)
Sci Fi Museum

Back at the Space Needle, the two of us visited the
Science Fiction Museum, located in the strange looking building I discussed above. The museum could have been really hokey, but it was well done. Unfortunately, the museum doesn’t allow cameras, so I don’t have any pictures. This is a shame, because there is quite a bit of memorabilia – for example, items from the Star Trek TV and movie sets.
I liked how the museum was organized – largely by cultural areas of interest. For example, while there was the obvious display on ‘alien invasions’, and how this was represented in pop culture (from ‘War of the Worlds’ to ‘Mars Attacks!), other sections were studies of weightier subjects. Science Fiction is often used as an analogy to modern cultural issues, and the museum did a great job of pointing these out. Various cultural issues – racism, gender roles, overbearing governments, etc…..the museum was full of examples of novels and movies covering these issues.

Of course, there were the old favorites – Vance was particularly fascinated by videos from shows and movies from my childhood – the Jetsons and Lost in Space, in particular. My favorite was the original manuscript from the Baroque Cycle novels, written by
Neil Stephenson. These novels, which Stephenson wrote using quill pins, cover the dawning of the scientific age and the modern finance system. As Denise can attest, I love these novels, having read all three multiple times.
Expecting the museum to be full of sloppily dressed geeks, I was surprised at the numbers of families, and even more, at the number of young girls in there. It did not fit my stereotype of Sci Fi fans at all. The museum was a lot of fun, Vance got introduced to a whole genre of fiction outside of Star Wars, and I got to take a trip down memory lane, including a list of sci fi novels to check out. A well spent couple of hours.
Experience Music Project
Right next door is the
Experience Music Project. Founded by Microsoft's Paul Allen, the museum is devoted to documenting the history of the Seattle music scene, as well as in depth archives of general music history. I could have easily spent all day in here listening to the fascinating series of recorded interviews with musicians that the museum has. For example, I enjoyed listening to a Pat Metheny interview discussing the pros and cons of touring, and to another musician who had played with Jelly Roll Morton.

Upstairs, the museum had a section devoted to teaching you how to play various instruments – drums, keyboards, using guitar effect pedals, etc….This area was very well done, using multimedia to walk you through the basics of the instrument. I very much enjoyed the ‘effects’ walkthrough, gaining a basic knowledge of their use, something that has perplexed me for years. In addition, there were multiple ‘studios’ available (voice, keyboard, drums), where for 10 mins you could go in and create your masterpiece. For a few dollars you could record your efforts and burn them to a CD. Vance came into the keyboard studio with me, and as I used to play keyboards in a series of bands, we were able to make some decent sounding noise for the next 10 mins. We both got a big kick out of this.
I could have easily spent a lot more time in the museum – we pretty well just blew thru the Seattle music history section, including a lot of Jimi Hendrix memorabilia. However, Vance was complaining about a headache, so we cut our visit here short. Hopefully, I’ll have a chance to go back someday.
Pacific Science Museum
Denise joined us the following day for a visit to the
Pacific Science Center. Vance typically loves these museums, and invariably I’ll see an exhibit that relates to something we’ve been studying or he’s shown interest in. In this case it was a tic-tac-toe playing robot, a large industrial robot adapted to the task. Using the robot's discrete, repeatable steps for an example, I sat down with Vance and gave him a brief introduction about how such a thing would be programmed.

For example, the robot would always return to the same spot before and after moving a piece. The motion to pick up and place a piece was always the same. By getting Vance to notice and describe the individual steps, I then told him how you would write a short program for each little step. Hook them all together, and you have a tic-tac-toe playing robot. This is considerably simplified, of course, but it’s an example of how I try to teach Vance, particularly on subjects (like programming) that I’m reasonably familiar with. I don't really expect him to remember, but next time he hears something similar, it will have a better chance of sticking.

The museum had a section on dinosaurs, which Vance always enjoys. Outside there was a series of water jets that you could shoot to spin a variety of objects, which was a big hit with all the kids. We also took in a couple of IMAX movies – one on
Mt. St. Helens, and another on the
Lewis and Clark Expedition. Both were relevant, as we would be visiting St. Helens on our next stop, and would be covering much the same ground as the Corps of Discovery for the next month or so as we started our way back east.
Prior to dinner we walked around some – I had spotted a new downtown park from the Space Needle that Denise was interested in seeing. She had read an magazine article about ‘
Olympic Sculpture Park’, which is an interesting design of slanting green spaces and walks, constructed on bridges over several roads. It was a neat park, affording great views of the city, waterfront, and artwork. A wedding was taking place while we were there, which was in sharp contrast to what we stumbled on next – the ‘
Seattle HempFest’! Apparently a concert had just let out near the waterfront, and quite the crowd of mostly young (and rather stoned) hemp lovers were walking back our way. For the most part, the crowd was well behaved, and the local police seemed to take things in stride. After working our way through the crowd, we stopped for dinner at a lavishly decorated Spaghetti Factory near the waterfront.

Our final day in the Seattle area was spent exploring areas north of town – I had wanted to visit the town of Bellingham, up near the Canadian border. Denise and I had visited the area briefly several years ago on a business trip, and we enjoyed driving around the area. To cap our trip off, we drove down Whidbey Island, first crossing
Deception Pass, finally taking a short ferry ride back to the mainland. I had always enjoyed riding the ferries to the islands when I lived here, so this was a great way to end our stay in the Emerald City.
The Seattle area has lots of surprises. Born in Atlanta, Georgia, I’ve always wanted to see it. I guess I’ll start off with the Seattle Space Needle. Built for the ’62 World's Fair, it stands at 605 feet tall. Mom wasn’t really interested in seeing it, so the geek squad (me and Dad) decided to pay a visit. The enormous structure offered wide views, free view telescopes and a video screen talking about interesting spots around the city.
Right next to the needle was a pretty funky building. Later we found out it was the museum of Science Fiction and Experience Music Project. We will return in a few days to this. If you’re into Star Wars, I recommend you pay a visit if you go to Seattle.
We had a single clear day on our entire stay. Mom declared we go see Mt. Rainer, a nearby volcano. We men grumbled a little and decided to go to the mountain. The next day we toured the Boeing Plane Factory without her. After about forty minutes down I-5 we arrived at the entrance area. Dad purchased a gallery and factory tour ticket pack for us. The tour had a beginning video. After ten minutes the bus was waiting to take us on to the factory. After entering the upper deck, we watched the employees work on a 747 and a 767 liner. It takes such a long process to make the liners I’m not sure I can write it all down. The building is so large at first it began to form clouds and rain inside!
C'mon Along to Canada
Wednesday, Aug 15, 2007Victoria, British Columbia

It's wonderful when you can take a day trip to another country - without having to suffer through airport security or jet lag! This morning we hopped a ferry across the Strait of Juan de Fuca to Victoria, Canada. It takes about an hour to cross 20 miles of water. Luckily, we don't need a passport for this adventure. Our driver's license
(with photo) and birth certificates were sufficient to get us through customs in both countries. Nor is it necessary to exchange our money for the
"Loonie" (the Canadian dollar). Most merchants in Victoria gladly accept U.S. currency and credit cards, but change is always given in Canadian currency.

As we near Victoria's harbor we're mesmerized by the float planes that are also arriving and departing frequently.... wouldn't that be a fun and fast way to commute! The Inner Harbour is a busy place with ferries entering from Port Angeles, Seattle and Bellingham, WA. Numerous yachts and sailboats are moored in the marina. Many visitors opt for a tour on the adorable little Harbour Ferries that busily putter across this scenic area to points of interest.

In some ways it's like stepping into another world. Oh sure, we see plenty of businesses and sights that are common to the US, yet the ambience in Victoria is clearly Canadian with a bit of British colonial flavor. The impressive architecture of the Edwardian- style
Empress Hotel and the Romanesque Revival
Parliament Building with its splendid verdigris dome greet us as we enter the harbor. An imposing statue of Queen Victoria, for whom the city is named, and a tribal totem pole stand prominently on the Parliament grounds. Today, some tribal members are giving the totem pole a fresh coat of paint.

Victoria more than lives up to its reputation as the "Garden City". Old-fashioned lamp posts are adorned with massive hanging baskets. This year the city is proudly displaying 1600 baskets and they plan to increase that number next year. No one does flowers like the Canadians. It's easy to see why
Condé Nast Traveler has voted Victoria one of the world's top-ten cities to visit.

To make the most of our time, we opted for a tour package that includes a bus drive around the city and transportation to Butchart Gardens, where we spent most of our day. The enormous Royal British Columbia Museum is within walking distance of the ferry, but there wasn't enough time to visit the museum and the gardens before the return ferry
;-( On board the bus, we get to drive through the downtown district, numerous city parks
(including Beacon Hill) and some upscale neighborhoods. We're quickly informed that it's very expensive to live in Victoria. However, it seems the high cost of living hasn't curbed the influx of retirees who are anxious to become Victorians and the resulting housing boom.
For some inexpensive entertainment, our tour guide made a pit stop along the way at a marina and the kids get to feed the resident seals some frozen fish. Vance was reluctant to get back on the bus after this little adventure. Knowing he'll never go willingly to the gardens unless we feed him first, we bribed him with the promise of a lunch break after we finish the bus tour. Usually the promise of food will cure Vance of whatever is temporarily bothering him!

After lunch, we took a bus to
Butchart Gardens. This time our guide is very personable and he gives us the inside scoop on what it's like to live and work here, sprinkled with a good bit of humor. Vance enjoyed his witty talk on how middle class folks get by in pricey Victoria as well as information regarding gun control, income taxes and socialized medicine in Canada. One topic of conversation was the price of fuel in Canada versus our country. We noticed the tour buses run on biodiesel. Mark had previously spotted a fleet of bright yellow Toyota Prius taxis near the Empress Hotel. Seems like our Canadian friends are progressive when it comes to sustainable energy.
Butchart Gardens

I have to commend Vance for being such a good sport when it came to this garden tour. Most 11 year old boys don't have the patience or interest to look at flowers for hours on end. Luckily, there were various areas of the garden that held his interest such as the Sunken Garden. Encompassing 55 acres,
Butchart Gardens includes a former cement factory and quarry site. When the quarry was exhausted of resources in the early 1900's, Mrs. Butchart (the cement factory owner's wife) began planting the Sunken Garden. Today it is a lovely combination of evergreens, vines, flowers and water features. It's hard to believe it was once an area of spent rock and dust.

Other areas of Butchart Gardens include the Rose Garden, the Japanese Garden and the Italian Garden. The Japanese Garden is my personal favorite. I'm always inclined to linger in the cool shade and subtle textures of an oriental garden. The tranquil setting does not overpower or over stimulate the senses. Finding a restful spot in which to sit and ponder, we enjoyed the beauty of a simple water feature. All three of us loved the humorous ingenuity of the bamboo Boar Scarer. When the bamboo filled with water it would tip, spilling the water.....once empty it would tilt back to strike a large rock, thereby creating a loud noise to scare away the beast!
Having a little time on our hands before boarding our bus back to Victoria, we were captivated by a whimsical Wizard of Oz play. Especially since the Good Witch was actually a He, not a She! The cast was small and they were doing a very speedy version of what can be a lengthy production. The cast included 2 Munchkins, Dorothy, the Good Witch, the Wicked Witch, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man. Unfortunately, the Cowardly Lion and the Wizard had not appeared by the time we had to leave. This little play was a happy ending to Vance's day at the gardens.

Other than ranger-led programs in National Parks, this commercial tour is the first one we've done on this trip. It's not our practice to leave an event like the Wizard of Oz play before it's finished, but the bus was waiting and so was our ferry ride back to the US. The drawback with tours is that you're always on someone else's clock. We don't wear watches, but might have to resort to that habit if we ever become avid tour travelers. At this point...
no can do! Our current method of operation suits us much better. With that said, our day in lovely Victoria has whet our appetite for seeing more of Canada. The seed for a camping trip across the Canadian provinces has been planted in our thoughts for future travels. Always dreaming!
Vance: Victoria is the capital of British Columbia. British Columbia is a province, or what Canada calls a state. It took the boat about an hour to go from Port Angeles, Washington, to Victoria, British Columbia.
After the ride, there is a step you have to go through called customs. They will not let you through if you have any firearms. It is illegal to have firearms in Canada except the police. I found the law quite interesting.
We spent most of our stay in Butchart Gardens. The Garden is a series of gardens with plants from all over the world. It heated up quite fairly in the day. We found lots of shade in the Japanese Garden. One neat gadget is the Boar Log. I don’t know the real name, but I call it that anyway. The log would fill up with water, then fall and make a loud thump to scare the boars. Lastly, we had an ice cream break and went back to the dock where the KOA shuttle waited to take us back to the campground.
It's All About the Lakes!
Monday, Aug. 13 - Tues., Aug. 14, 2007Northern Olympic Peninsula, WA

We have blue skies and sunshine, so this afternoon is perfect for a visit to Lake Crescent. On the way, we stop at a little cafe for lunch, and Vance spots some goats in the backyard. In short order, the kitchen staff loads him up with bread, and he has a fine time feeding the goats. Vance loves animals. He's always delighted when one of our adventures allows him to get up close and personal with them.
Lake Crescent

Today I wasn't satisfied to merely gaze at Lake Crescent or just take a scenic drive around it. I wanted to get in a boat and on the lake. Better yet, let's kayak! I had missed the Chetco River float in Oregon and this was my chance to play catchup. Wow - I'm hooked. Paddling is a wonderful way to enjoy the beauty of this stunning lake that was carved by glaciers during the last ice age. Lake Crescent is nestled among the mountains creating a fjord setting that many compare to the scenery seen farther north in Alaska. It's one of the deepest lakes in Washington and its waters are a brilliant teal blue color. We understand that the lake is home to two unique species of fish, the
Beardslee trout and the
Crescenti trout.
Marymere Falls

Back on land, we decide to enjoy an easy hike to nearby Marymere Falls. It's a lovely stroll through the rainforest to this delightful cascade. The lushness of this trail is so pleasurable and otherworldly that you really don't need a waterfall as the reward for your effort. However, we've never been known to turn down a waterfall.
We arrived just a little late to visit the old fashioned ranger station at Storm King, but enjoyed our hike, starting out by passing through a lengthy culvert which ran under Hwy 101. The hike was short, and we soon came upon the 90 foot waterfall, which fans out to a pretty horsetail shape.
Lake Crescent Lodge

Initially we thought we would still have time this evening to drive up to Hurricane Ridge and enjoy the views under clear skies. While leaving the trail, we see a sign for
Lake Crescent Lodge...what the heck, we're here...let's check it out. That was an excellent decision. The lodge is located in the middle section of the lake, perched right on the bank, providing an enchanting place to sit and leisurely enjoy a glass of wine! Vance has quickly gained an appreciation for National Park Lodges and suggests that we take the camper back to Petaluma, CA and check into this Lodge for the rest of our trip. While we're not willing to do that, we are happy to bag Hurricane Ridge in exchange for a relaxing end to our day.....just watching the sunset over the sparkling waters of Lake Crescent.
Hurricane Ridge

Next morning we awake to more sunshine and blue skies. We're on a Pacific NW fair weather roll. The Olympic Mountains are in view from our campground so we decide to head for Hurricane Ridge. Just because the weather is clear for now.....there's no guarantee it will stay that way all day. Along the way we stopped to view snow-capped Mt. Baker to the north in the Cascade Mountain range. At the top, the ridge is abuzz with lots of other visitors.

The air is crisp and cool today, and the sunshine is glorious. That's not always the case up here. Over 75 mile an hour winds can hammer this ridge, hence the name "Hurricane". The 30-35
feet of annual snowfall melts slowly...affording us some stunning alpine scenery and wildflowers in late summer. We revel in the views and enjoy a short hike near the Visitor's Center. I really want us to get off the beaten path and head for P J Lake so we grab a quick snack and off we go.
P J Lake
We have to travel a narrow unpaved road to get to the trailhead. No problem - we love the roads less-traveled, and the views of the Olympic Mtns. are gorgeous. The trailhead is well marked and it's a short hike - less than 2 miles roundtrip. How hard can that be? Let's do it.

A wooden walking stick is leaning against the trail sign, so I grabbed it purely on a whim. We left our metal walking sticks in the truck. That proved to be a mistake because this little trail goes
straight down into a ravine. It is narrow with very few switchbacks.....a real toe cruncher in every sense of the word. I can read Mark's thoughts. Where did she come up with this hike? I don't have to read Vance's mind - he is vocalizing his displeasure -
loud and clear. I just keep reminding them that a Ranger instructed an elderly couple to do this hike on a rainy, cloudy day! Truthfully, I wouldn't even consider doing this hike with the threat of's steep enough when the trail is hard and dry. If you have bad knees or weak ankles, forget it.
Be advised that rangers in the western parks typically don't baby the visitors. They expect people to know their limitations and to use wise judgment when setting out for hikes, boating trips and other adventures in the park system.

At last we reach tiny, subalpine P J Lake. While it is not as pretty as I had imagined, it is teeming with fish. They're literally jumping out of the lake to catch insects that are flying low over the water. The color of the lake is a milkly emerald green hue due to glacial melt. We relax and take in the quiet solitude of this place. That's the wonderful benefit of getting just a few miles into the backcountry in most National Parks. You usually have the place all to yourself. Too bad we don't have any fishing gear with us! In fact, we later learn that the trail was blazed by fisherman. That may explain why it's so steep...they were in a big hurry to get to P J Lake and start reeling in the fish.
Speaking of steepness, now we have to go up that trail. None of us of are looking forward to it. As it turns out, going up proves to be a lot easier than going down and before you know it we're at the top. Whew, that was one mighty short, steep hike. Now I know why someone wisely and graciously left the walking stick at the trailhead. Maybe it was the older couple from a few days prior. Anyway, I'm happy to extend the courtesy to the next fellow hiker who's ambitious enough to go in search of P J Lake!
A touch of Provence on the the Peninsula

We're camped near
Sequim and this region is known for the heady aroma of its lavender farms. After a late lunch we head for
Cedarbrook Herb and Lavender Farm. I know Mark will enjoy this excursion because he loves growing herbs. Vance will probably balk, especially after our strenuous little trek to P J Lake.

Our enjoyment of this experience is secured when Vance discovers the resident house cats! Minnie, the prima donna feline, could not be bothered. It was her nap time. Vinnie, however, became rather attached to Vance. This amusement allows Mark and I ample time to shop and tour the grounds. We would enjoy visiting other farms in the area, but we don't want to push the envelope with Vance. We have yet another botanical spree in store for us tomorrow
(in another country)!
Speaking of other countries, we are craving Thai food and I've read good reviews for
Khu Larb in
Port Townsend. Before dinner, we luck out and find a lovely little historic park and Vance joins some local kids for some playtime. The park is right on the water and Mark and I enjoy watching boats sail into the harbor with Mt. Baker in the distance. Yum, our Thai dinner was delicious and well worth the drive to the most northeastern point on the Peninsula.
Vance: We moved but still stayed on the Olympic Peninsula, this time on the north side. To start off we have Crescent Lake Lodge. It is a lodge with cute cottages facing toward the lake. It looked pretty nice. Earlier today, we kayaked on the other side of the lake. Dad and I did a two man kayak and mom got a pink kayak. After the kayak trip, we hiked to pretty Marymere Falls.
Up in Sequim, pronounced Skwim, there are some lavender farms. Lavender has a wonderful scent. I’m sure you would like the smell too. A funny book in the gift shop was called "Fifty ways to kill a slug". I cracked up reading it.
Hurricane Ridge was probably my favorite part of the park. I liked it because of the wildlife. It was fogged in the first day, then cleared up a few days later. On the clear day one deer went down and shortly used the sidewalk. Some people were breaking the rules by getting off the walk and into a meadow.

At Hurricane Ridge we did a hike to PJ Lake. It was very steep. I didn’t like the hike at all, very tiring, very boring and like I said, very steep. Weirdly, we came up faster than we went down.