Those Dam(n) Dams
Monday, Aug 13, 2007Elwha and Glines Canyon Dams
Olympic National Park, WA

After Vance received a response from the ‘Restore Hetch Hetchy’ organization about his “Vance’s Viewpoint’ on the Hetch Hetchy Dam in Yosemite National Park, we were quite intrigued by the existence of two dams located in Olympic National Park. How, after the Hetch Hetchy controversy did they get there, and were the rumors true that they were slated for removal? We went in search of the two dams in order to satisfy our curiosity about the how, why and when of dam removals.

The removal of dams is more than just a passing fancy of ours. Back home in Western North Carolina, Duke Energy is undergoing the relicensing process for several of the hydroelectric dams near where we live. The power companies are provided usage of public waterways without any real costs other than the initial property purchases for the lakes. Part of the licensing process is to ensure that there is some form of ‘public mitigation’ for the ongoing right to use the water. In theory at least, this is supposed to compensate the public for the fact that ‘their’ waterways are being used by power companies to generate electricity for profit. In many cases, mitigation may take the form of campgrounds, boat ramps, etc….
With the licensing cycle rolling around for multiple dams, the ‘mitigation’ negotiations can be interesting, particularly with environmental concerns receiving far more consideration than when these dams were built. Tradeoffs are typical, for example, the power companies may agree to increased waterflows down one river channel in order to avoid having to make major changes on another. In a novel twist, Duke Power is proposing to remove the small and aging Dillsboro Dam on the Tuckaseegee River as part of it’s mitigation for relicensing other dams in the area.

Back up here in Washington State, the process for removing the dams is progressing a little smoother, if not a whole lot faster. The National Park Service purchased the dams from the previous owners, adding the lakes to Olympic National Park. Environmental Impact Statements, approvals, demolition project plans, etc…are pretty well taken care of. Now it is a matter of finalizing the funding to proceed with the removals, and replacement of existing infrastructure. For example, the municipal water source for Port Angeles is provided by the lake behind the Elwha Dam, and new intakes must be constructed for the city prior to the dam removal.

The process for the removal of the Elwha river dams and the Dillsboro dams is much the same. The difference lies in how close the Elwha dams are to the ocean. Silt flushed out from the breaching of the dams is expected to help replenish several natural sand spits, also helping out the river delta, home to oyster and clam beds.

Armed with directions, we finally found the Elwha Dam. This is beyond a doubt the ugliest dam I’ve ever laid eyes on! The picture below doesn't even come close to showing just how ugly the structure is. It looks like something slapped together with whatever materials happened to be on hand at the time, which might not be far from the truth. The dam was constructed in 1913 to provide electricity for a local mill, and by modern day standards, the amount of electricity it generates is minuscule. Hence, the widespread consensus for removal.

Improving Salmon habitat is a big issue these days in the Northwest. The damming of almost every river in the northwest, particularly the Columbia, has seriously reduced the Salmon runs to a fraction of their historical levels. Other than simply the economic impact of reduced fisheries, the role the salmon play in the overall ecosystem is slowly being recognized. According to one of the ranger programs we attended at Olympic, scientists are now demonstrating that spawning salmon play an important part in providing nitrogen fertilization in the soils.

Learning about the two dams slated for removal was a nice counterbalance for Vance after his Hetch Hetchy experience, and provided some context for the controversy back home around the Dillsboro Dam. In general, as many of our nation's dams age, removal will become the only option as their structural integrity begins to diminish. While the dams under consideration for removal today tend to be minor structures, the experience gained should prove valuable down the road when addressing larger structures and lakes.

Vance: It’s great that these dams are slated for removal for a natural cause. People don’t have the right to just go and take something that isn’t theirs. The salmon deserve to have the spawning grounds restored. No parks should have any dams at all for people’s greed.
Destroying these two hideous structures of a dam will restore the

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